Bespoke Memorials

How do we memorialize?

How would we like to memorialize?

The process of memorialization is individual and unique; unique to the person and the loss.

As an artist, I offer alternative resources to those looking for individualized, personal and domestic memorials, and memorialization processes.

Based in Brooklyn, NY.

Memorialization entered my conscious art process in 2021 upon the death of one of my closest friends. After, I desired to mark his presence, to feel the weighty process of loss, and to work and sweat through my anger and healing.

My specific offering centers around tangibility and proximity, creating objects and spaces that center us through presence and touch.

What I do:

  • I create intimate memorials, for intimate losses and experiences.

  • The physical vocabulary I work with includes tablets, orbs, and other hand-molded concrete forms.

  • I collaborate with my clients to envision both a making process and a final memorial object or installation, personalized for their own experience.

  • I will work with you at any stage, for any loss you are processing. Even many years later. I welcome any belief system.

What I make:

  • In the past I have worked with ashes to create orbs and other concrete holdable sculptures.

  • Grieving can also be a process of gathering: gathering memories across dispersed locations, and regrounding the self in the face of loss — as such the landscape, soil, and stones of specific locations are often key materials and subjects within the memorials I create.

  • I create objects that respond to feelings like:

    • “I live too far from the gravesite.”

    • “I live too far from our former home.”

    • “What do I reach for now that my loved one is gone?”


  • Pricing is determined exclusively by materials, travel, and time.

  • Pricing for single memorial orb with ashes or other materials is generally $400 before shipping.

  • Even if these prices feel beyond your means, please do not hesitate to reach out as I offer discounted rates. This service is intended to be accessible for all.